Thursday, August 4, 2011


My birthday is coming, everyone! It was 1-8. Please post some comments and at least say: "Happy birthday!"
THK U!^o^

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hi everyone,
I miss u a lot.
Thanks for being good behaviors in the time we are in 6a.
Ms. Rita, ch you are a good teacher I've ever seen.
Hope u will be at cis next year.
Ms. Rita, can u teach grade 7 next year, not grade8.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The very very cute animals

Please watch this:
The animals are sooo cute. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Let's watch this:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the science questions

7. Describe the effects that the paper clips had on your airplane's flight. Use the following terms in your description: mass, gravity, distance, flight.

-->When it has the paper clips on my airplane, it mass is heavier. Because it has the extra  mass of paper clips. Its gravity pulls down. When it doesn't have a paper clip, it's lighter and more flight distance.

8. Based on this investigation, describe what you think are important factors to consider when designing an airplane.

-->When the airplane has a paper clip on it, it become heavier. And it easier to fall down. It's better if  the air plane  without the paper clip. It's better when it's lighter. When it has more paper clips, it has more mass and less distances. When it has more paper clip at the left wing, it will go left way. But when I put it at the right way, it will go right way. But when I put one at left and one at right, it will go straight.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


When Dickson was going around the hall way, he see Cuong was bullying Alex. Cuong said some bad words and threated him that the hang will hit Alex. Dickson wondered: "Poor my friend Alex. Cuong is so bad. I will try to help Alex." Dickson called mrs. Nancy: "Miss Nancy. There is the boy is bullying my friend. Can you come and help my friend?" When mrs. Nancy and Dickson saw that situation, mrs. Nancy took Cuong to her room." You are the good friend, Dickson." Dickson said: " Thank you, Mrs. Nancy!" 

Monday, February 21, 2011

orville wright

1. Orville Wright are the frist people create the air plane.
2. They create the air plane.
3. They did in 1908.
4. They did it in their company
5. They do that because before their brother die, he gave them the toy airplane.
6. They saw how the bird fly